DISPATCHES: Tanzania 2014 (Part 2)
Sunday, Nov. 23
Damson Samson teaching during our evangelism conference. (Photo by Jordan Rowley)
Damson, our missionary to East Africa, finished his four days of travel by bus from northeastern Tanzania to southern Malawi.
“I am humbled to let you know that I have arrived well and I want to send my thanks to all members who had their time in prayer for the sake of the conference. It was a great work done to His glory,” Damson said.
“What a blessed trip to be with Jordan, the Spirit-filled servant. We witnessed the power of God at work in all areas in our time with the Kilimanjaro Chapter. Many porters and guides have heard God and seen Him doing great things.”
It is our prayer that many more will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because God the Father “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). Praise HIM!
Thursday, Nov. 20
C4C spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley, right, speaking at Kilimanjaro evangelism conference.
Jordan Rowley returned safely this evening to his family, who greeted him at the airport in Rochester, NY, USA. He was happy to be back and joy-filled for the work that was carried out in Tanzania.
“Over the past week in Tanzania, I’ve been blessed to reap where I haven’t sown and to taste a small portion of the fruit resulting from planting and watering that took place years before I arrived,” Jordan said. “Our ministry has a long HIStory with Kilimanjaro going back to the vision that God originally put on the heart of Gary Fallesen when C4C was only just beginning. The vision was to train and equip guides and porters in evangelism and make an eternal impact on those who climb Africa’s highest summit. Although training sessions have taken place in recent years, this mission marks the start of a new chapter. The planting of a full-time East African missionary (Damson Samson) and being able to hold a multi-day conference devoted to evangelism are only the beginning of even greater things to come for HIS ministries work in Tanzania. The future is bright for our work in this nation in which many still walk – and climb – in darkness. To God alone be the glory!”
We are eternally thankful for the opportunities God has given us in East Africa and to the ends of the earth.
Tuesday, Nov. 18
Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 is winding down and brothers Jordan Rowley and Damson Samson are getting ready to return to their families.
“Damson and I spent much of today tying off loose ends and preparing to begin travel to our respective homes,” Jordan said. “Lord willing it will take my two full days to return to Rochester, NY, USA, while Damson plans to arrive in southern Malawi by Saturday.
“Every step of our journey in Tanzania has been both a blessing and a challenge as we’ve seen God’s promise from Romans 8:28 fulfilled again and again. I give Him thanks and praise for all He has done.”
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28 (NKJV)
Monday, Nov. 17
We finished the two-day evangelism conference for about 30 guides, porters and cooks. Here is spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley’s report:
“After hours of teaching and encouraging from God’s Word, we concluded the conference, handing certificates to all who attended both days. Frank Sabas, a long-time C4C member and owner of one of Kilimanjaro’s many climbing companies, shared: ‘What we have learned we are now ready to do.’ Other members spoke of how powerfully God used our time together. Fadhili, a young guide who was very attentive throughout the conference, said he was excited to go home and share Christ with friends and family. Asante Yesu (Thank You, Jesus).
“This is only the beginning. I pray that the fruit from our time together would be multiplied mightily. I pray that many from the streets to the trails would enter God’s kingdom, and that the number of His saints have been made more ready to share the Good News.”
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” – 1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)
Sunday, Nov. 16
Jordan Rowley, Climbing For Christ’s spiritual coordinator, credited brother Damson Samson with the quote of the day. Damson, C4C’s missionary to East Africa, opened our two-day evangelism conference by encouraging those in attendance to pray: “Make me a fisher of men and a climber for Christ.” Amen!
“It was a full and spirit-filled day teaching and preaching for all the Kilimanjaro guides, porters and cooks who have availed themselves to be used by God,” Jordan said. “We discussed the Gospel, the Great Commission, and using our words and works as a witness for Christ.
“I know God was well pleased to see so many brothers coming together in unity for the sake of the lost in Tanzania and beyond. We parted ways with joy in our hearts, looking forward to another day together tomorrow.”
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1 (NKJV)
Saturday, Nov. 15
C4C’s spiritual coordinator, Jordan Rowley, and our missionary to East Africa, Damson Samson, completed final conference preparations.
“We’re excited to begin teaching 30 Kilimanjaro guides and porters how to be fishers of men,” Jordan said. “Today, my prayer for these men comes from Colossians 4:5-6.”
He said as a result of the time they will spend together the next two days may they:
- Walk in wisdom toward the unsaved;
- Redeem the time;
- Allow their speech to be filled with grace;
- And know how to give an answer to all.
Friday, Nov. 14
“One heart, one soul, one goal.”
That was the thought for the day from Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley.
“After hiking up Sango Hill early this morning unity was one of our main prayer points as nine brothers in Christ gathered together to seek the Lord,” Jordan said. “We lifted every detail of the upcoming conference to God, knowing that He who calls us is more than faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
“C4C’s Kilimanjaro Chapter here in Tanzania is strong and ready to be a part of great things as they look forward to what God has in store.
“It’s been a true joy connecting with men of God like Dauson, Harold, Frank, Tumaini and, of course, Damson. We pray for God’s perfect will to be done in these lives and in this place.”
“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” – Philippians 1:9-11 (NKJV)
Thursday, Nov. 13
“Today was mostly spent eying out the land in preparation for tomorrow’s fast and prayer hike up Sango Hill and the upcoming evangelism conference,” Jordan reported. “This is Africa, so solidifying plans is not always the easiest – not to mention neither Damson nor I speak much Swahili.
“Beyond planning there were several divine appointments. One involved the owner of our hotel, the Africa Flower, recommitting her life to Christ. Another was the Spirit-filled time Damson and I shared with Pastor Mosha – a wonderful man who has been very involved in C4C’s work in Tanzania from the beginning.
“God is at work and we are expecting great things.”
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)
Wednesday, Nov. 12
Jordan Rowley, Climbing For Christ's spiritual coordinator, has arrived safely in Tanzania after 33 hours of air travel.
“After two full days of travel, I was blessed to meet with Damson, C4C’s missionary to East Africa; Yusuf, long-time C4C friend and Kilimanjaro guide; and a few faithful C4C members,” he reported via satellite phone. “We spent much of the day discussing our plans for the upcoming conference. After a good night’s sleep the Lord will have more in store for us on Thursday.”
Monday, Nov. 10
Jordan left late this afternoon from Rochester, NY, USA. As he went, Jordan said:
“Time to GO! I begin my travel to the East African nation of Tanzania hoping to arrive Wednesday morning (about 9:30 am local time). This, my first mission to Africa, is the second C4C mission to Kilimanjaro this year and the seventh all-time.
“I'll meet with C4C’s missionary to East Africa, Damson Samson. We’ll be hosting an evangelism conference during which we hope to better equip a number of Kilimanjaro guides and porters in the art of fishing for men. I look forward to all God has in store and ask you to lift up this mission in prayer.”
“Then He said to them, ‘follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’” – Matthew 4:19 (NKJV)
Monday, Nov. 10
Damson Samson, our missionary to East Africa, titled his communique, “The Answered Prayer.” He gave thanks to God, Who is the Creator of all, saying:
“I am here to show that you are worshiping the Living God Who answers prayers. The journey [his bus rides] continued at 6 a.m. Sunday from Uyole [Tanzania, near the southern border with Malawi], where I spent a night, and I was able to arrive Moshi [near Kilimanjaro] at 12 midnight. To tell the truth, it is not easy to travel 18 hours. Simple as it has been for me, I just see God in it because I have seen accidents taking place all over the way and I should thank (C4C) members who offered their prayers. You did not offer prayers in vain; it has worked miraculously.
“John 11 verses 25 and 26, which say [in the King James Version], ‘I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?’ In all this I say, we have He, the only man who died and resurrected, which shows clear that He is life. Let’s believe in Jesus and receive Him as our Lord and Savior. We should put our faith in Him only. If there is no resurrection then we pray in vain. Can what you believe resurrect and give life to you? If not, then change the immediate effect. Pray and support the mission today.”
Friday, Nov. 7
“It has been high time to have the dream come true,” Damson Samson, Climbing For Christ’s whimsically named and passionately guided missionary to East Africa, said today as he began traveling to Tanzania.
Damson is on Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014, Part 2. He will be joined next week by C4C spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley of Rochester, NY, USA. The pair will be leading a three-day evangelism conference, born out of Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 (Part 1) in August.
“The journey started at 4 a.m. with a 2½-hour drive to Blantyre,” our southern Malawi-based brother said. “I have just boarded a bus to Nzuzu, where I will be getting another bus to the border. I am hoping to be in Marangu (Tanzania) on Monday. Remember to hold me in your prayers.”
The mountain and the cross, a rock cairn built on the slopes of Kilimanjaro by our 2007 mission team.
Climbing For Christ began on Kilimanjaro – or at least on the approach to Africa’s tallest mountain. God birthed the idea of C4C in Gary Fallesen as he prepared to go to Tanzania for the first time in 1998. We took our first mission team to Kilimanjaro in 2007. During that trip, God intersected the paths of Gary and Pastor Winford Mosha of Marangu. He had given both men the same idea: outreach to guides and porters working on the 19,341-foot (5,895-meter) mountain. A partnership was formed.
We began teaching evangelism to the guides and porters during Mission: Kilimanjaro 2008. And again in 2010, 2011 and 2013. The training was intended to teach men working on the mountain how to witness to unreached co-workers and also the tens of thousands of trekkers who visit Kilimanjaro each year. We recognize the impact guides and porters have on visitors to Tanzania and how they could send these people home with a memory that could last forever.
Along the way we realized we needed a worker who could serve in East Africa. Enter Damson Samson.
We met Damson at the Far & Wide Children’s Home, an orphanage C4C supports in southern Malawi, on Mission: Kilimanjaro 2010. He was working with the children and was as full of the Holy Spirit as any brother you’d be blessed to meet.
Climbing For Christ sent Damson to college from 2010 to 2013. As he completed his studies God led us to ask Damson to serve as C4C’s missionary to East Africa. Planning was set in motion during Mission: Malawi 2014 in March and Damson joined us in Tanzania on Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 in August.
Damson spent 10 days with Pastor Mosha, learning about a culture and people different from his own. Malawi is three-fourths Christian, while Tanzania is about 46-percent Christian and 37-percent Muslim. The climbing community around Kilimanjaro is approximately half Christian and half Muslim. There is work to be done.
During Mission: Kilimanjaro 2014 (Part 1) a plan was formed to hold an evangelism conference in November. This event would be preceded by three days of prayer and fasting. Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley of Rochester, NY, USA was assigned the responsibility of working alongside Damson at this event.
“I’m excited to be heading to Africa – for my first time,” Jordan said as he prepared to GO. “Meeting and working alongside Damson is going to be a joy. I know that the Lord has great things in store for this conference and pray for His Spirit to move mightily.
“My greatest desire is that all those who attend would become better fishers of men in every way as a result of our time together.”
“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’” – Mark 1:17 (ESV)