Monday, June 21, 2010
Elijah Martin Joseph
We were praying for Chris Joseph and his family — in particular his pregnant wife, who is appropriately named Blessing — as they awaited the arrival of their fourth child earlier this year. Elijah Joseph was born March 16.
“Both the child and the mother are safe and sound, although the devil's aim was to eliminate the child,” Chris e-mailed that day from his homeland of Nigeria. “The (mid)wife who saw to the delivery of my wife exclaimed, ‘Your God is alive because the devil came so late!’ The umbilical cord was coiled around the boy’s neck and it extended to the back where it was tied like a knot. God, who never wanted me to be put to shame, was able to deliver the boy from this satanic ploy.”
We rejoiced at little Elijah’s arrival. And then we were honored when Chris asked us to give Elijah his middle name.
Climbing For Christ president Gary Fallesen told Chris: “My first thought was Martin after Martin Luther, the father of the protestant movement, because he was famous for fighting the devil. He once threw his ink well at Satan. Do you like Elijah Martin Joseph?”
Elaine Fallesen, Gary's wife and a C4C board member, refers to Elijah Martin as Gary’s “Nigerian godson.” Chris said, “For sure Elijah Martin is your Nigerian godson,” and he hopes we will one day meet him in person. That is probably part of God’s plan.