Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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We want to see YOUR face

 Catching up: We were blessed to meet up with Mike (right) and Rachel Wall (second from left) in Loveland on Sunday. We are (left to right) Missy Jean Dedrick, Gilbert Lindor, and Elaine and Gary Fallesen. And we’d love to see you, too. (Photo by Mike Wall)

We want to see YOUR face

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

Climbing For Christ COLORADO members:

Greetings in HIS name!

I am back in Colorado and, thanks to the addition of new staff member Missy Jean Dedrick of Denver, we’ll be here more often. Plus, our daughter Hayley and son-in-law Mitch Harris might be moving to Colorado in a few months.

My wife Elaine and I are currently in Loveland with Missy and with our Haitian brother Gilbert Lindor. If you’ve been with C4C for any length of time, you know Gilbert’s story. God used us to rescue him from death in 2007, when he was an 11-year-old boy with a badly broken leg in the mountain village of Gentilhomme. We have supported Gilbert since, including bringing him to Colorado in 2009 for his first prosthetic leg and paying for his college education (he’s entering his seventh semester in medical school in Santo Domingo, DR). We brought Gilbert back to Windsor to have a new prosthetic created for him by our friend Joe Johnson and his lead prosthetist Brendan Tchowski at Quorum Prosthetics. (You can check updates on our “Gilbert returns to Colorado” page.)

While we’re in-state, we’d like to connect with as many Climbing For Christ members as possible. That’s why we set up several “Coffee Chats”:

  • Saturday, Jan. 11: We’ll be in Canon City to worship at Board member Steve Quakenbush’s church (Christian Family Fellowship) as well as the First United Methodist Church on Sunday. But if you’re in the area come out for a chat with us from 1-3 p.m. Saturday at Starbucks, 1303 Royal Gorge Blvd., Canon City 81212.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 15: 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Starbucks, 4541 Weitzel St., Timnath 80547.
  • Saturday, Jan. 18: 5:30-7 p.m. at Starbucks, 910 Kinner St., Castle Rock 80109. NOTE: Change of time. We’re meeting earlier than announced in E-News 375 so we can get to DIA on time.

But … if these don’t work for you, we can meet with anyone at any time. And we’d love for that to happen!

We are going to be along the Front Range through Saturday, Jan. 18. We are in Loveland until Friday, then in Canon City Friday night-Monday morning, back in the Loveland/Fort Collins/Windsor area Monday through Friday (Jan. 13-17). We’ll be in the Denver area on Saturday, Jan. 18 before catching a red-eye back to New York. Email me if you want to connect – either to re-connect or meet us for the first time. We’d love for you to meet Missy, who will be active in Colorado. Part of her role as Climbing For Christ’s development person is member engagement. Our goal is to see more of our 2,601 worldwide members active in HIS ministry.

Drop me an email and we’ll arrange to rendezvous. I hope to hear from you. And we hope to see you!


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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