David Smith

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Mission: Malawi 2017, Bios

David Smith

Dave working the jackhammer on a Habitat for Humanity project in Rochester, NY.

Nationality: USA. Occupation: Electrical engineer. Missions with C4C: Malawi 2017.

How long have you climbed? 32 years. Type of climbing you do: Corporate (Just kidding!!). Highlight of climbing career:  I have no climbing career.

How long have you been a Christian? I was blessed to be born into a family that loves Jesus. Some of my earliest memories are church related. When I was 6, my Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Oxenford, used a popcorn popper to illustrate how the Holy Spirit takes a hard heart and makes it white as snow. She invited us to let Jesus “pop us,” so I did, and I still remember that feeling as the Holy Spirit came to live with me. As a bonus, I still enjoy oil-popped popcorn in multiple ways!  Ministries you are blessed to serve in: Secretary of the Climbing for Christ Board of Directors. Elder and teacher, co-leader of Operation Christmas Child at Hope Lutheran Church in Greece, NY.

Favorite Scripture verse(s): Psalm 103, Praise the Lord oh my soul, all my inmost being praise His holy name. Psalm 117, Praise the Lord all you nations, extol Him all you peoples.

Special “God moment” you’d like to share: When my mom was getting ready to meet Jesus, He gave us a comforting and personal message soaped on the window of a stranger’s min-van in the hospice parking lot. I don’t believe in coincidences!

What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? Hands, feet and hearts bringing Jesus to people who are overlooked, people that He died for.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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