Mission: Peru 2018

Gary Fallesen

Mission: Peru 2018

A hard-to-reach harvest

Since our very first survey trip to the Peruvian Andes in May of 2011, we’ve never seen a lack of harvest. During those six Evangelic Expeditions and our ongoing work done by Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, we’ve never witnessed a shortage of souls ready and ripe make a decision to trust in Jesus.

Rather, the harvest has always been plentiful!

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields,” Jesus declared in John 4:35, “for they are already white for harvest!”

All throughout the beautiful mountains of Peru, there are numerous remote farming communities where the Good News of Jesus needs to be proclaimed. Although Peru’s population mostly identify themselves as “Christian,” there are many who have not heard a clear message of the Gospel untouched by a works-based form of religion. Many others in the hard-to-reach areas where C4C has been called to minister have yet to hear the name of Jesus at all.

So, who will GO?

Mission: Peru 2018 will focus on reaching and ministering to the lost in the Cordillera Huayhuash range of the Andes Mountains. There, we’ll add our hands and hearts to the harvest and share the love of Jesus mostly with the local Quechua people.

Our ministry partner who will be guiding our team, Edwin Milla, says this will be a “moderate to difficult” expedition. We’ll be spending hours on the trail trekking from one village (or family) to the next, ascending up 15,000 to 16,000-foot passes over difficult terrain. Needless to say, this is a hard-to-reach harvest, but one that will certainly be worth the effort.

PRAY: For followers of Christ to boldly oppose sin and injustice while ministering to the poor and oppressed. To proclaim the truth that “it is by grace” you are saved, “through faith … not by works” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

GIVE: You can financially support the workers (Jaime and Edwin) and the work in the Peruvian Andes.

GO! Aug. 3-16 to trek in the Huayhuash (pronounced “why-wash”) for nine days to reach people who “have little or no knowledge about the true God,” Edwin said. Cost is estimated at $2,500. For C4C members only. Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org for a mission application and more details.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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