Morocco Trek 2017

Gary Fallesen

Morocco Trek 2017

It is hard to imagine in today’s 99.6-percent Muslim Morocco that this North African country was once Christian. The Berbers were followers of the Way from Roman times until the Islamic conquests of the 7th Century.

“The Christians of North Africa were a vast multitude, and with their own eyes they saw the power of God at work in these lovely hills and valleys,” Robin Daniel wrote in This Holy Seed: Faith, Hope and Love in the Early Churches of North Africa. “The people of this land deserve to know their remarkable Christian history. Such a heritage cannot be lost to them.”

Daniel asks, “What God did for (Christ followers in North Africa centuries ago), can He not do for us? And what He has done in past times, can He not do again?”

To which Jesus would say, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” (Mark 9:23, NLT). Believe it is possible.

Daniel reminds us in This Holy Seed that “where they (believers of past generations) climbed we too can climb, and higher!” Amen.

He continues: “And shall we not see the power of God sweep through this land once more?  a glorious revival of Christian life: the name of Jesus proclaimed in every place by living fellowships of loving saints. Against such a Church, the gates of hell shall not prevail!” (Matthew 16:18)

To re-visit Berber believers while trekking in the Atlas Mountains. The Berber are 99.99 percent Muslim (only .01 percent Christian), according to the Joshua Project. That’s only a few dozen believers. We’ll see how it is to live in a place where it is illegal to convert or to evangelize others to follow the God of the Bible. This trip is open only to C4C members. Email for more information and a trip application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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