Gary Fallesen / Wednesday, May 18, 2011 / Categories: News and Views Prayer Peak Days 2011 Trip Reports Tony Johnston observing Prayer Peaks Day in Australia. Prayer Peaks Day founder Derek Fullerton, one of Climbing For Christ's original board members, celebrated his 14th PPD by climbing Mount Princeton in Colorado's Sawatch Range on Saturday, July 2. He spent 1½ hours on the summit of the 14,197-foot peak praying and worshiping the Lord. Elsewhere in Colorado, Western Slope Chapter coordinator Mike Wall reported: “Great Prayer Peaks hike (on Hogsback Mountain outside Durango), but man was it hot! Thankfully, Dairy Queen is on the way home!” Email with a report and/or photos from your Prayer Peaks Day adventure. 14th annual PPD is July 2 While attending Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Ore., Derek Fullerton was reading through the Book of Nehemiah. When he came across Nehemiah's words, “I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem...” (2:12), God put a dream on his heart. “Before I left Fort Collins, Colorado, where I previously resided before going to seminary in Portland, I had a driving passion for climbing Colorado's Fourteeners,” recalls Derek, one of Climbing For Christ's founding board members. “When I read this verse in Nehemiah, God gave me a vision of masses of Christians praying for the Church of Jesus Christ in each of the 50 states from high atop the 54 Fourteeners of the Colorado Rockies. Perfect! A vision I had been praying for! Something I decided to pursue wholeheartedly following my seminary graduation. The inaugural Prayer Peaks Day was held July 4, 1998. Christians have participated in PPD subsequently on each Saturday before the Fourth of July. Many of Colorado's Fourteeners have been climbed/prayed from as well as other peaks throughout the United States and peaks in other countries. This year's Prayer Peaks Day — the 14th annual — will be held Saturday, July 2. Members are encouraged to organize a prayer climb/hike/walk wherever they live. Individual members have told us they will be participating in Prayer Peaks Day in Bahrain and India. Here are a few Climbing For Christ events scheduled for PPD: Colorado Western Slope Hogsback Mountain: We are meeting at the trailhead at noon in Durango. The plan is to hike the mountain and then do some worship and prayer overlooking Durango. Let Michael Wall know if you can make it. Email Australia Mount Solitary, Blue Mountains National Park, New South Wales: The goal of this event is to have a time of Intercessory Prayer in God's creation from 7:30-10:30 p.m. Among the prayer points: Passion for God Himself, expressed in the Great Commandment (Mark 12:29-30); Reconciliation via repentance (John 17:20-23); Adherence to God's Word (Psalm 119); For youth, who are growing up in a wicked culture (1 Timothy 4:12); Evangelism — the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20); Revival in the church (Psalm 85:6); Standing firm in the faith in troublesome times (1 Peter 5:8-11). To participate, contact: Tony Johnston at For more information on Prayer Peaks Day, visit Wednesday, May 18 Thursday, May 19 Print 3703 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author