Project 1:27 Updates: Visiting Orphans

Project 1:27 Updates: Visiting Orphans

By Gary Fallesen
Founding president, Climbing For Christ

 Catherine. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)

Catherine Gwembere is 8 years old and in grade 2 in Singano village in southern Malawi. Her father died of HIV/AIDS in 2007, when she was only 1. “She cannot remember her dad and has never tasted fatherly love in her life,” said Pastor Duncan Nyozani of Searchlight Ministries.

“Being the last child it was really a tough situation,” Duncan added. “Her mum is also HIV positive. She (Catherine) is in a desperate situation. It is a battle for her to live, eat, dress, and go to school. She cannot see her future.”

But God sees Catherine’s future and we believe it is His will for Catherine to be cared for by Pastor Duncan’s Far & Wide Children’s Home, which is funded by Project 1:27 sponsors.

We initiated Project 1:27 in Malawi in 2010. Sixteen children are sponsored.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Project 1:27 Malawi.

We will add children as sponsors become available. There are many children in need, including Frank Nivevele, who is 11 and in grade 2 in Msema village. Both of Frank’s parents died in 2008 (his father from leprosy and HIV/AIDs and his mother from AIDS). “He is staying with his grandma, who is very aged and very needy,” Duncan said.


Frank and his ailing grandmother. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani)

Climbing For Christ also supports orphanages in Nepal (through Project 1:27 sponsor parents) and Uganda (with occasional gifts from members). Project 1:27 Nepal dates back to early 2011.

The SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) orphanage outside of Kathmandu has added numerous children in recent months. Among them:
  • Arati B.K., 8, is from the so-called “untouchable” Dalit caste. She lived with her grandparents, but they are old and no longer could care for her.
  • Ashok Praja, 10, who was cared for by his single mother in the Chitwan District southwest of Kathmandu. She could not keep him and a local pastor delivered him to SARA founder Pastor Tej Rokka.
  • Kamala Bishwokarma, 10, lived with her widowed mother in the Dolkha District northeast of Kathmandu. She is from the Dalit caste.
  • Lokendra Bdr. Sunar, 10, is a Dalit who was cared for by his grandparents.

Manju B.K. (Photo by Tej Rokka)

  • Manju B.K., 3, is from the Dalit caste. She lived with her grandparents, but they are old and no longer could care for her.
  • Nisha  Tamang, 5, was abandoned by her parents. She is from the Dolkha District.
  • Ram Krishna Chepang, 5, and Rosmita Chepang, 7, who come from a “backward, poor jungle tribe” in the Makwanpur District south of Kathmandu, according to Pastor Tej Rokka. These two orphans were cared for by an uncle for a few months, but he could not continue to do so and a local pastor delivered them to Tej’s home.
  • Rasmila Thapa Magar, 9, who was abandoned by her parents. She is from the hilly Western district of Parbat and a Hindu background.
  • Shriti Gurung, 4, was abandoned by her parents. She is from the Dhading District northwest of Kathmandu. Her background is Buddhist.
“We can see a bright future (for each child) if we can help under the grace and love of God,” Pastor Tej said.

CLICK HERE to visit the Project 1:27 Nepal page. Only 15 of the 39 orphans are currently sponsored.

The youngsters at Hope For Vulnerable Children orphanage in Kasese, Uganda. (Photo by Pastor Rich Friday)

When Pastor Rich Friday started an orphanage in western Uganda, he had no money. “God spoke to me and commanded me to open up an orphanage project,” Pastor Rich said. “I answered the Lord, ‘How will I do it without money?’ He answered that He is the Source of money and again He came and told me to start.”

Hope Mission International Ministries serves hundreds of children (ages 2 to 16) through its Hope For Vulnerable Children Ministry. The need is ongoing and although Climbing For Christ does not regularly support this ministry, we have provided for urgent requests in the past. We will continue to send any support that comes from those who feel the Spirit move in them to help the orphanage as we partner with Pastor Rich to reach the lost in the neighboring Rwenzori Mountains.

How can YOU help?
  • Pray that these children – and the millions of orphans in the world – would know the love of God, who is the Father to the fatherless.
  • Give financially to sponsor a child through Project 1:27 in Malawi or Nepal, or to help the need in Uganda.
  • Go on a mission to share the love of Christ with orphans in Malawi or Nepal. Email if you’re interested.

To support the work with orphans, send a donation to Climbing For Christ, c/o Helping Hands: Visiting Orphans, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.

The Word

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27 (ESV)

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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