Returning to the scene of the mission

Gary Fallesen

Returning to the scene of the mission

Mission Moments: August 2012

Throughout much of the month of August, Climbing For Christ missionary to Peru Jamie Servat ministered in the remote mountains of the Cordillera Negra and Cordillera Blanca ranges of the Peruvian Andes. He spent a great deal of time returning to several of the villages that were visited during Mission: Peru 2012, which took place from July 16-28.

Here is Jaime’s edited report from the fields of Peru:

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” — Psalm 91:4

I arrived in Ranraucro Village and gave God thanks for being there again. I visited with several new believers. They were happy to see me. It was recommended to me that I should visit a woman named Catalina who is a member of Iglesia de Dios de la Profecia (Church of God of the Prophecy) in Recuay District (which Ranraucro village is a part of). She and I prayed to God and she was moved by His Spirit to support Climbing For Christ in different ways. She was mainly moved to offer bible studies with the new believers until I return again.

Then in the afternoon we were inviting families for a meeting in the house of a new brother, Francisco Espinoza, and his family. It was a blessing to see the good health recovery of Francisco . A great relationship was grown during my stay. He told me that he is reading and understanding God’s Word. We had a blessed time of worship with praises and a study of the Gospel of John. I also gave a presentation to some children on the life of Jesus using puppets. The kids were full of joy and motivated to learn about the Lord. Altogether, 17 adults and children gathered, so praise God. I gave New Testaments to 7 of the kids and teenagers. They were filled with joy and gratitude.

Francisco and his new Bible during Mission: Peru 2012. (Photo by Jordan Rowley)

I received a cell text from Alison to call her. So I called and she asked me if we could pray for her mother Taina, who suffered a breakdown. I encouraged her to be patient and wait on the Lord. I visited an Elementary and Primary school in Ranraucro village to teach the English vowels and alphabet. The children were very interested to learn. I also visited families to pray with and get to know them better.

Also, our new brother, Fernando, who had his appendix removed, told me to call him on Sept. 20, so that he can let me know if he will need to return to the Huaraz Hospital for another operation. So he asks for more prayer for that and to return to a normal life soon, in Christ.

Well, it was a blessed journey for Christ which I was joyful and happy to see His gracious and merciful hands on their lives. And I felt the prayer coverage on my life as well from our Climbing For Christ members and friends from around the world. Thanks to my Lord for Your guidance to walk in obedience. Hallelujah!!!

After my time in Ranraucro, I visited the village of Hierbabuena. I was very grateful to God to be there again. Shortly after I arrived, I was informed by Sister Lodia that she would be leaving soon to visit a hospital in Lima city because she had strong pains in her kidneys. The medical diagnosis was that it was related to her heart. God put in her heart to invite me to hold an outreach to new believers and worship service in her home. So God brought many new believers together. We began our worship with puppets, praises, and a message from the Gospel of John.

A few Hierbabuena believers listening to Jaime teach during Mission: Peru 2012. (Photo by Jordan Rowley)

Another day, I was visiting families and encouraging them in how to live a Christian life in the field, and then I had my day devotional, at which time a man who’s wife’s health was not well came to me saddened by the situation. Touched by His Spirit, he told me, “Brother Jaime, I was informed by my wife in July when the missionary team from abroad was here that if you would return I would offer you my home to worship God. So please come into my room. It is big to meet.” I said “Oh, Lord, thanks again. You are making everything come together to worship You my God.” So we prepared the room, cleaned, and put the C4C banner on the wall. Then we began the service. So I opened with prayer, puppets, praises, and a teaching from the gospel of John with questions and answers. Everyone was so blessed to learn more about the Lord.

The next day, God put in my heart to go make a worship service in the upper Sanja rural area in the home of new believer, sister Florencia (the mother of Guillermo, who was prayed for by our team in July). After trekking around much of the village to invite people to the service, I spent some time visiting with Florencia. She told me, “Brother Jaime, since July when the missionaries prayed for my son Guillermo, he is healed and has had no more epilepsy crisis. Thanks to God! Oh the Lord is good and I am very grateful for that time you came to my house.” So I said, “oh my Lord, thanks to You again. You are so good to your people. Hallelujah!”

Later, God put in my heart to give some school items to our two sister Climbing For Christ participants (teenagers Rosalinda Luna and Bethy Velasquez). Both of these girls have fathers who deserted them. They are living with their mother, Justa, who was very grateful to God for the help.

Enrique and his family during Mission: Peru 2012. (Photo by Jordan Rowley)

The next village I visited was Coihuairanan (an upper rural area from Hierbabuena village). I met with the Flores family. In the afternoon Enrique Flores and I were reading and studying the Bible together. Enrique did well when I asked him biblical questions. We decided to hold a service in home in the evening. We began with prayer. Then we had a time of puppets, praises, a study in the Gospel of John. The next day they asked me if I could get Bibles. So I told them that I will bring them soon.

Well, it was a real blessing to serve my brothers and sisters in His Love and compassion for souls. I rest in His peace and will continue working in His vineyard. Hallelujah!!!

In His Grace Mission,
Jaime Servat.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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