Mission Moment: May 27, 2012

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moment: May 27, 2012

Bananas, planted about six weeks ago at the church at Malasi, are growing well.

Missionary Miguel Rubén Guante visited Malasi on Sunday after teaching our monthly seminary in Thoman on Saturday. He reports that “the bananas are growing well.” Coffee plants are not doing as well because it has been dry.

“The church is fine — more than 100 people were there (for worship),” Miguel said. “I preached on Daniel 3 to show the church we need something more than to go to church. We need (believers) like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to serve God and to evangelize. It was a long and fruitful message.”

Pastors attending the May seminary on Saturday, May 26 in Thoman.

Miguel taught about evangelization and had 22 pastors and church leaders in attendance for the May seminary. It was our second meeting in two weeks because the April seminary had been delayed.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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