Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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2024 World Watch List

Gary Fallesen 0 184

Four countries in which Climbing For Christ is working made the 2024 World Watch List of extremely persecuted places. Seven other countries where C4C has ministered, plans to serve, or has members living made the World Watch List.

2023 World Watch List

Do not forsake our brothers and sisters!

Gary Fallesen 0 213

Four countries in which C4C serves made the 30th annual World Watch List, which ranks the 50 nations where it is most dangerous and difficult to be a Christian. Worldwide, 1 in 7 Christians live in nations with high levels of persecution or discrimination, including 2 in 5 believers in Asia and 1 in 5 in Africa.

Project Prayer: Buddhism 2023

21 Days of Prayer for the Buddhist World (Jan. 2-22)

Gary Fallesen 0 317

Reaching Unreached Nations (RUN) called Christians and churches worldwide to join a prayer movement in advance of Chinese New Year’s. China being the largest Buddhist country in the world. Climbing For Christ is answering this call. Welcome to our prayer guide to the Buddhist world.

Project Prayer: Ramadan 2022

30 Days of prayer for the persecuted and the persecutors in the Muslim world

Gary Fallesen 0 1066

Ramadan, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is the holy month of prayer, fasting, and reflecting on God. It begins at sundown April 2 and continues until sunset on May 1. We are going to pray our way through this month for Climbing For Christ members living and working in persecuted Muslim countries. But we’re also going to pray for those who persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Project Prayer: Sikhism 2022

Five days of prayer for Sikhs

Gary Fallesen 0 645

We are joining our friends at World Prayer Guides and the Lausanne Sikhism Working Group for “Five Days of Prayer for Sikhs” from April 13-17. This is done in conjunction with the start of the Sikh harvest festival Vaisakhi. Please check back daily.

2022 World Watch List

Persecution’s growing severity

Gary Fallesen 0 903

One in seven Christians worldwide faces persecution for following Jesus. Afghanistan replaced North Korea as the worst place to be a believer on the 2022 World Watch List. But Open Doors ministry gives us the 50 hardest countries in which to be a Christian.

15 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World

Project Prayer Oct. 24-Nov. 7, 2021

Gary Fallesen 0 1039

More than 15 percent of the world identifies as Hindu. Being a Hindu primarily is based on being born into a Hindu family, not on a set of beliefs or a spiritual conversion. Hinduism is regarded as the third-largest religion in the world with nearly 1.2 billion adherents (behind Christianity with 2.4 billion and Islam with nearly 1.9 billion). Use this prayer guide to ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for Hindu families needing the hope of Jesus.

Project Prayer: Ramadan 2021

30 days of breath prayers for the Muslim world

Gary Fallesen 0 876

We are applying the practice of breathing a simple prayer each day to Project Prayer: Ramadan 2021. We ask you to whisper this prayer throughout the day with a Muslim person, people, group, nation, or the entire Islamic world in mind. Pray on!

