Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Llamado del Pastor | The Shepherd's Call

A short documentary about Peruvian Kingdom worker Edwin Milla

Gary Fallesen 0 397

Peruvian Kingdom worker Edwin Milla sets off on Mission: Peru 2023 in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range in the Andes, wrestling with his faith as he pursues God's calling on his life even in the midst of immense heartache and grief. A short documentary by Climbing For Christ member Zach Wiegert of Colorado.

The Cure

Music video by the children at the C4C-sponsored SARA Home in Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 378

The orphans of Climbing For Christ’s Project 1:27 at SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) Children’s Home in Kathmandu, Nepal dance for King Jesus because they know He is The Cure for the world. Song by Unspoken. Video by Elaine Fallesen.

Thank You

Gary Fallesen 0 997
Finding true meaning By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ I covered sports for years – from Pele when I was a 16-year-old working for national soccer publications to Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky when I was a columnist for the daily newspaper in Rochester, NY. F...

C4C GOing

Gary Fallesen 0 1370
Take a look at what God is doing through Climbing For Christ, a ministry committed to GOing to the mountainous places of the world where others cannot or will not go to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Mission: Nepal 2018 Video

Gary Fallesen 0 1886
God is moving in Nepal! Enjoy this video about our latest mission to reach the lost and encourage the body of Christ in several hard-to-reach areas. CLICK HERE to read the Trip Report from this Evangelic Expedition.

Through Our Eyes

Gary Fallesen 0 2715
Take a walk in our boots and a look through our eyes as you check out this video filmed by GoPro during Climbing For Christ's Mission: Nepal 2017.

2016: Yes and Amen!

Gary Fallesen 0 2954

We say 'yes and amen' to God for all that He has done in and through Climbing For Christ in 2016. And we give thanks to you for being a part of it. May the Lord bless us with another fruitful year walking in His faithfulness in 2017! Song: Yes and Amen by Housefires Images: Climbing For C...

For As Long As It Takes

Gary Fallesen 0 2628
God has called Climbing For Christ to deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ to hard to reach, remote, mountainous areas of the world, where others cannot or will not go - for as long as it takes.
