
COVID-19 is like a ‘hungry lion’

Raising relief funds for those hurting

Gary Fallesen 0 948

Climbing For Christ has distributed more than $74,000 in COVID-19 relief. The need for more relief is again growing. A Climbing For Christ member has offered to match up to $20,000 in donations to COVID relief!

Mission Moments: COVID-19 Relief

Gary Fallesen 0 3389

Pandemic S.O.S. Responding to coronavirus around the Climbing For Christ world By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Friday, Oct. 30 The people of Kalmette receiving food. (Photo by C4CNG) The young members of Climbing For Christ’s New Generation (Haiti) a...

Mission Moments: Islam

Gary Fallesen 0 6826
Combating violence, hatred, and the many challenges of Islam with love By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ “But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!” – Matthew 5:44 (NLT) Brother Rachid. Brother Rachid (the M...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 4100
Providing CHRISTmas joy to children in need When a Pakistani woman is widowed and finds herself alone with her children, she may take a job cleaning houses and be paid only one dollar per day. This is not enough to feed her entire family. To make matters worse, most Christians living in Paki...

Pakistan 2017

Gary Fallesen 0 807
The Spirit has not permitted us to GO to Pakistan. We wrote last year about planning a trek there into the northern mountains only to have a travel ban forbidding foreigners placed on the area we felt led to for two years. By the time the ban was lifted our team-in-waiting disbanded. Not to worry,...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 2740
‘Precious gift of life’ delivered in Pakistan Thumbs up for the Bible given to a Pakistani couple by Evangelist Haseeb. (Photo by Save Pakistan) God placed on the heart of a North American member the desire to help Save Pakistan deliver the Word of God to people atten...

Mission Moments: Celebrating Easter

Gary Fallesen 0 8843
Happy Resurrection Sunday By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Haseeb’s mother, Surryia, shares the words of Jesus from the cross, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”), as Save Pakistan te...

The ’stans 2016

Gary Fallesen 0 814
Pakistan is testimony to our approach for waiting on the LORD to lead us into mountainous places. We began planning a trek here in 2013 only to have a travel ban for foreigners placed on the area where we felt God sending us. The ban lasted two years. We waited. We are a Proverbs 16:9 ministr...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 3947
Joy for children treated as slaves Save Pakistan delivered 25 “Joy Boxes” – CHRISTmas packages that included clothing, food, candy and a toy – to children who are treated as “slaves” in the brick factories. “It was a good experience to see ...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 3841
Letting the children come to Him God has burdened Evangelist Haseeb for children in Pakistan. He has given him a heart for the hearts of youngsters. Save Pakistan, the ministry this long-time Climbing For Christ member founded, has an orphanage now. And during this year’s Mariabad Mela f...
