Climbing For Christ turns 10

Gary Fallesen

Climbing For Christ turns 10

By Gary Fallesen
Climbing For Christ

Rochester, NY-area Board members (left to right) Elaine Fallesen, Kevin Kimble, Mary Lindsay, Stan Phillips, David Smith and  Gary Fallesen gather with  family and friends to celebrate C4C's 10th birthday Easter Sunday evening. (Photo by Hayley Fallesen)

I wrote in “A View: The next 10 years” on the back of the current special 10th anniversary issue of The Climbing Way magazine:
I could not have predicted where we are currently on the timeline “in the beginning,” no more than I can tell you what the next decade will hold for His ministry. I cannot speak with any authority about what God is doing right now (aside from His will and His way and for His glory), let alone what He will do in 10 years or 10 months or even 10 days.

It has been a remarkable decade since Climbing For Christ was incorporated. We consider April 20, 2004 our birth day. That occurred after God opened one of many doors for me to stumble through.

Easter Sunday 2014 was a special day. We celebrated our Risen Savior and how He has raised up a ministry to GO to the ends of the earth over the past 10 years. Happy birthday, Climbing For Christ!

We have seen 1,967 brothers and sisters join the C4C family and we have taken more than 175 of these individuals on 67 evangelic expeditions to 16 countries. We continue to urge our members to PRAY, GIVE and GO.

Here are some suggestions in each of these areas:


That HIS will be done and that we bring the kingdom come with every act of love. We lift up the distribution of The Climbing Way (Volume 28, Spring 2014) and that, as board member Kevin Kimble prayed, “these pages will be recognized as a praise offering to YOU, Lord.”

(Note: We ask members outside North America who want to receive The Climbing Way to email with their current postal address.)


In the weeks ahead, we will be sharing the many ways to support His ministry of C4C, including:

  • Church builds. As part of our Matthew 16:18 burden we are being led to build the first church in Nepal’s Far Western district of Humla. This is a rather expensive undertaking. But it is also a priceless promise. I’ll share more about this in the Trip Report for the recently concluded mission to Nepal.
  • Project 1:27. More orphans are in need of sponsors in Malawi, Africa and Nepal. We’ll tell a few of their heart-wrenching stories.
  • Your local missionary. We partner with nationals in seven countries. Ask us who needs your help.
  • Buy a Bible. From printing the Word in the Kankanaey language in the Philippines to distributing His love letter to the world in multiple languages we believe that every Christ follower should have a copy of the Bible.
  • Send servants. GO-ing comes with a price-tag and sometimes those saying, “Here am I. Send me!” need assistance.
Please support HIS ministry of Climbing For Christ. Send your contribution to Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.

In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA.  Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1.  Or give online at Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA.”


Imagine walking a trail that the Apostle Paul traveled nearly 2,000 years ago. We will spend five days in June doing just that, studying one of the most inspirational missionaries in HIStory in preparation for a return to Mount Ararat to renew relationships with semi-nomadic Kurdish families living high on the slopes of the 16,854-foot (5,137-meter) mountain in eastern Turkey. We need a fourth to join our Mission: Ararat team. Email if you are interested.

The 2014 Evangelic Expeditions calendar...

  • Peru (May 10-25). This trip is full.
  • Philippines (June 10-17, Sept. 25-30 and Nov. 17-24). Spaces are available for these teams.
  • Turkey (June 15-July 2). Spaces are available for this team.
  • Kilimanjaro (July 29-Aug. 11). Spaces are available for this team.
  • Nepal (Sept. 5-21). Spaces are available for this team.
  • Haiti (December).
Trips to be determined (in God's time) include:
  • Mission: Possible 7 (a closed Asian nation)
  • Morocco
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Uganda
Anyone interested in participating in a Climbing For Christ Evangelic Expedition must, first, be a C4C member and then request a mission application, which will be reviewed and prayed over. E-mail for a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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