Karina Barger

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Mission: Nepal 2013, Bios

Karina Barger

Karina, left, ministering at Ghandaki Boarding school in Nepal.

Nationality: US Citizen. Occupation: Volunteer Teacher/Missionary. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2013.

How long have you climbed? Approximately two years ago I became infatuated with God's marvelous creation and began seeking ways to experience more of it. As I did, I found a new found freedom and enjoyment with rock climbing, backpacking, and bicycling. Type of climbing you do: Rock climbing mostly. Highlight of climbing career: I would say that the highlight of my climbing career happened when I went on an 11-day canoe trip down the Rio Grande. During our trip we hiked into canyons and climbed the peaks of uncharted territory. It was extravagant. One day, an especially hot day, I found some shade under a rock – alone. I sat there to rest, but God found me there. It opened my eyes to the reality that He meets us where we are. I wept at the thought of a creator who loves His creation THAT much.

Karina climbing the Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande.

How long have you been a Christian? Five years. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: I serve as a volunteer in Nepal. I do volunteer teaching to class 7 and then work with young children in the slums. God really blessed me to be able to work with the Nepali people. I absolutely love this country and thank the Lord daily for an opportunity to serve here.

Favorite Scripture verse (and why): I have quite a few verses that I have felt deep conviction for; however, right now there is one that is penetrating me. Lamentations chapter 3 speaks about the hope we have in our Father. I am drawn to verses 49-51. It reads: “My tears flow endlessly; they will not stop until the Lord looks down from heaven and sees. My heart is breaking over the fate of all the [people of Nepal].” This scripture reminds me of my unending need for dependence on Him. It hurts to walk the streets of Kathmandu and see poverty. It hurts to see people in the mornings come bring their burnt offerings to their gods. I weep for this nation. I weep for His people. But only HE can save them. I can't. The only thing I can do is remain completely dependent on Him and let HIM do the saving. I am merely His hands and feet, begging to be used by Him to do His good work.

Special “God moment” you'd like to share: Around one year ago, I was having a good friend who is originally from India stay in my apartment with me. She had converted to Christianity around one year prior to this time. She was at work, and I (being on break from work that week), was spending an exponential amount of time with my Savior. This day specifically, I had been worshiping and praying all day. The presence of God had come into my apartment. She walked in, and immediately I could feel something dark. I continued to pray. Then I asked her if she would like to join me. She sat down, but far enough away from me that I could not touch her.  I told her that I had felt led to read the book of James prior to her arrival and so I asked if she would like to join me in that. She complied. As I was reading, I became overwhelmed with some clear spiritual warfare in the room and so I stopped reading and started praying, I touched her hands and immediately I could feel the demonic presence. She pulled away from me quickly. I continued to pray and felt the Holy Spirit telling me to touch her again. This time I could see it. It was fear. I renounced it and told it to leave. This was an astounding “God moment” for me. I could not believe that He just freed my friend at my apartment. It was God meeting us where we are at, once again. He is such a wonderful Savior Who does not desire anyone to be in pain. He was ready to heal her! Praise the Messiah!! (As it turned out, she had been battling with fear since she was a small child. We went through more spiritual healing for her after this situation).

What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? It is a beautiful surrender to Christ by declaring His name to the most unreached people in the world.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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