Project 1:27 Nepal

Project 1:27 Nepal

Project 1:27 Nepal

Sponsor a child

There are about three dozen children cared for outside of Kathmandu by Nepali ministry partner SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians). We support SARA Home and these children through Project 1:27, which is based on James 1:27 (“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”). You can sponsor an orphan for US$50 a month. This will provide food, medicine, and clothing. But even more, it will show the love of Christ to a child and answer His command to “look after orphans.” Below are photos taken of the children during Mission: Nepal 2024 in May.

Pastor Tej Rokka of SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) ministries in Kathmandu knows what it means to be an orphan and then to feel the loving embrace of our heavenly Father.

“I was born and brought up in Hindu family,” says Tej, who has been a Climbing For Christ member since September 2009. “My early childhood, I grew up in a mountainous and rocky remote place of Nepal near Mount Everest. In the midst of poverty, frustration, (and a) desire to live better life, my parents migrated to the plains area near the north Indian border, where they could cultivate good crops for a living. When they came to the place with their two little kids they were thinking they could make a better living.

“But, sadly, it did not happen as they thought. Instead, my mother died after two years of demonic attacks. There were no hospitals, no church, and many practiced witchcraft and believed all kinds of superstitions. Then our life became worse.”

Tej’s father ran away, leaving Tej and his brother alone in the world. Or so Tej thought.

 “I was so sad as a 5-year-old boy without love, hope and joy,” Tej recalls. “One day someone from the community saw our pathetic conditions and recommended us to an orphanage home. I got a chance to eat, stay, and go to school. But because of sadness and a hurting heart I couldn’t study well.

“One day my brother got sick and I had nothing to help him as his elder brother. I was helpless sitting beside my brother and regretting within. A (man) came along and told about Jesus and asked my permission to pray over my brother. He prayed and went away. After a while my brother got healed and that gave me my hope in Jesus.”

At the time, there was “a terrible persecution” in Nepal, Tej remembers. Despite this opposition to Christianity, the secret church invited him to attend a children's fellowship. He went and learned songs about Jesus, heard Bible stories, and “they asked me to memorize John 3:16.”

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” — John 3:16

“That verse changed my life because I was deeply longing for the love of my mom,” Tej said. “I found the true love of God, which never ends. After a few weeks I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and the Lord of my life. I found myself new. I could feel joy and hope within me and got excited to study hard and get first position in the class.”

Tej went on to attend Bible college and became a pastor. God used him to found SARA and open an orphanage in Kathmandu. His brother, Karna, also serves with him in SARA, and they are reconciled with their father, Prim.

Children from the SARA Children's Home hold up signs thanking Climbing For Christ for supporting them. (Photo by Gary Fallesen, Mission: Nepal 2022)

The children living at the orphanage do not know about Jesus when they first arrive. They are introduced to the same Savior who rescued Tej when he was a boy.

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” – John 14:18 (ESV)

Sponsor a Child

Here are photos of the children in the SARA orphanages, taken during Mission: Nepal 2024. Currently all the children have Climbing For Christ sponsors.



Sponsored by Caryn Trottier, Rochester, NY.







Sponsored by Marg Fisher, Medicine Hat, Alberta, CA.





Sponsored by the Kaiser family, Dallas, GA, USA.





Sponsored by the Schultz family, Tonawanda, NY, USA.




Sponsored by Rahel Kreuzmann, Basel, Switzerland.




Sponsored by Jan and Rich Hartung, Rochester, NY, USA.




Sponsored by Bill and Marlaine Fisher, Medicine Hat, AB, Canada




Sponsored by Jan and Rich Hartung, Rochester, NY, USA.



Sponsored by Shelly and Michael Cavallaro, Rochester, NY, USA.



Sponsored by Jonathan Parker, Trussville, AL, USA.





Sponsored by Taryn, Brooke and Justin Lee, Canon City, CO, USA.



Manju (Melina)

Sponsored by Elaine and Gary Fallesen, Rochester, NY, USA.





Sponsored by Rahel Kreuzmann, Basel, Switzerland.




Sponsored by Dave and Diane Smith, Rochester, NY, USA.



Sponsored by Lori Bly, Rochester, NY, USA.                       




Sponsored by Jonathan Parker, Trussville, AL, USA.


Sponsored by Adrianne Michele, MT, USA.



Sponsored by the Jordan Rowley family, Webster, NY, USA.



Sponsored by Rahel Kreuzmann, Basel, Switzerland.           .



Sponsored by Jaime and Justin Rowley, Webster, NY, USA.




Sponsored by Christian Family Fellowship

senior high youth, Canon City, CO, USA.     



Shristi C.

Sponsored by Stephanie and Shawn White, Renton, WA, USA.



Shristi G.

Sponsored by the Stoessel family, Rochester, NY, USA.







Sponsored by the Kaiser Life Group, Hope Church, Rochester, NY, USA.

Bijaya "BJ" B.K.

Sponsored by Brandy and Matthew Fisher, Beaver Mines, Alberta, CA


Sponsored by Stephanie and Shawn White, Renton, WA, USA.


Sponsored by Lauren and Dave Stoessel, Rochester, NY, USA.


Sponsored by Janet Pell, Canon City, CO, USA.


Sponsored by Maya Octavia, Blacktown, Australia.


Sponsored by Shelly and Michael Cavallaro, Rochester, NY, USA.


Sponsored by Maya Octavia, Blacktown, Australia.


Sponsored by Ward and Cindi Colbert, Canon City, CO, USA.

Bikesh M.

Sponsored by Stephanie and Shawn White, Renton, WA, USA.


To sponsor an orphan, email You can support a child online (CLICK HERE to send US$50 via PayPal) or arrange to mail a monthly gift to Climbing For Christ, PO Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA.

Originally posted April 4, 2011 / Updated Sept. 3, 2017


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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